medieval folk
Albums scraped2021-12-05T15:55:11.031Z
Last updated2021-12-26T07:30:45.683Z
Released at
91Malicorne - Almanach1976
54John Renbourn Group - A Maid in Bedlam1977
65Pierre Bensusan - 21977
49Arany Zoltán - The Last Of The Troubadours1986
12Corvus Corax - Ante Casu Peccati1989
44Zabadak - 遠い音楽1990-10-25
79The Baltimore Consort - Watkins Ale: Music of the English Renaissance1991
86Pierre Bensusan - Près de Paris1992
15Musica Antiqua - Medieval And Renaissance Minstrels, Songs And Dances1993
22Musica Antiqua - Medieval and Renaissance: Minstrels, Songs & Dances1993
18The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud - A New Soldier Follows the Path of a New King1995
100Stille Volk - Ode aux lointains souverains1995
84In Extremo - Die Goldene1997-02-10
9Poeta Magica - Raben Runen Raukar1997
32Stille Volk - Hantaoma1997
81In Gowan Ring - The Twin Trees1997
57In Extremo - Die Verrückten sind in der Stadt1998-10-02
29Ataraxia - Historiae1998
51Corona Borealis - Cantus Paganus2000-03
28Die Streuner - Schnorrer, Penner, schräge Narren2000-05-23
93Galtagaldr - Grymt2000
97Corona Borealis - Corona Borealis2001-05-00
34Stille Volk - Satyre Cornu2001
42Tri Yann - Le Pelegrin2001
90Стары Ольса - Вір2001
41Corvus Corax - Seikilos2002-10-28
17In Gowan Ring - Hazel Steps through a Weathered Home2002
62Adaro - Minnenspiel2002
37Schelmish - Tempus Mutatur2003-04-30
8Triskilian - TRISKILIAN2003
21Rabenschrey - Heidenspass & böse Zungen2003
31The Soil Bleeds Black - Mirror of the Middle Ages2003
46Stille Volk - Maudat2003
77Richard Thompson - 1000 Years of Popular Music2003
76志方あきこ - VIRIDIAN2004-01-11
6Saltatio Mortis - Tavernakel2004-01-26
11Omnia - Crone of War2004-02
36Narsilion - Return to the Silver Forest2004-03-07
24Die Irrlichter - Elfenhain2004-04-14
5Estampie - Signum2004-05-24
30Die Streuner - Fürsten in Lumpen und Loden2004-09-10
2Faun - Renaissance (Pagan Medieval Folk)2005-07-04
25Feuerschwanz - Prima Nocte2005-11-25
1The Moon and the Nightspirit - Of Dreams Forgotten and Fables Untold2005
27In Gowan Ring - Hazel Steps Throug a Weathered Home2005
47Versengold - Hoerensagen2005
61Luc Arbogast - Domus2005
87Saltatio Mortis - Manufactum2005
71黒色すみれ - アンデルメルヘン歌曲集2006-01-25
88Schelmish - Mente Capti2006-04-07
58Schelmish - Live2006-04-28
38Dunkelschön - Torenvart2006-07-28
55Autunna Et Sa Rose - L'Art et la Mort2006
60Pantagruel - Elizium2006
67The Soil Bleeds Black - Alchemie2006
85Birch Book - Fortune & Folly2006
66Elend - A World in Their Screams2007-04-23
70Elend - World In Their Screams2007-05-07
3Dunkelschön - Irfind2007-06-22
19Versengold - Allgebraeu2007
39Rayneke - laut&garstig2007
50Sangre Cavallum - Veleno de Teixo2007
68Triskilian - Do durch der werlde...2007
78Khvarena - The Spirit Rises2007
69Nachtwindheim - Unplaqued2008-04-29
48志方あきこ - うみねこのなく頃に2008-08-15
45Die Irrlichter - Goldstück2008-11-21
4The Moon and the Nightspirit - Ösforrás2009-03-15
7The Moon and the Nightspirit - Osforras2009-03-15
94Betray-Ed - Songs From The Oak Of Wishes2009-05-05
99志方あきこ - Fluff2009-12-30
72Luc Arbogast - Aux Portes De Sananda2009
14Clogs - The Creatures in the Garden of Lady Walton2010-03-02
74Vermaledeyt - Relikt2010-04-01
64志方あきこ - 謳う丘 ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~2010-09-29
92The Hare and the Moon - The Grey Malkin2010-10
73F.R.A.M. - Двери Апреля2010
23The Moon and the Nightspirit - Mohalepte2011-03-16
98志方あきこ - lirica ~Orgel Arrange Mini Album~2011-08-13
52Knasterbart - Sauf mich schön2012-05-28
82Malicorne - Pierre De Grenoble2012-08-03
95Luc Arbogast - Canticum in Terra2012
16Versengold - Im Namen des Folkes2013-01-25
80Luc Arbogast - Odysseus2013-08-05
33Versengold - Auf in den Wind2014-02-21
35Knasterbart - Branntwein für alle!2014-06-06
63Luc Arbogast - Oreflam2014-08-25
53Qntal - Qntal VII2014-11-21
56Murgrind - Inheritor of the Forest Throne2015-02-19
89Waldkauz - Komm' Mit2015-03-01
13Versengold - Zeitlos2015-07-31
10In Gowan Ring - The Serpent And The Dove2015-09-23
75Vroudenspil - Fauler Zauber2015-11-13
59Knasterbart - Superknasterbart2016-07-15
40Waldkauz - Mythos2017-04-22
20Versengold - Funkenflug2017-08-04
26Eluveitie - Evocation II - Pantheon2017-08-18
96Versengold - Nacht der Balladen 2018 (Live)2018-07-27
43Faun - XV - Best of (Deluxe Edition)2018
83Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - The Spiral Sacrifice2019-08-02